A town centre kebab shop will not be allowed to extend its opening hours after council planners ruled the proposal was ‘unacceptable’.
Police have arrested a 14-year-old boy in relation to criminal damage after a ‘domestic incident’.
County education chiefs have stressed help is at hand for pupils on A-level results day - with the number of top grades expected to have dropped.
A Gypsy site that had previously been rejected has now been approved after legal advice.
Health chiefs say they did not have the space or staff to keep a GP surgery open - as newly-revealed private board minutes released to us show.
A developer has been allowed to tweak the details of a 63-home scheme so that its planning permission did not run out.
Two people have been charged with a string of theft offences across our area.
Police are appealing for help to try to trace thieves who stole a car in the early hours of this morning.
Police say that an escaped prisoner who is serving time for knife crimes may be in Spalding.
The man arrested after a fatal collision on Friday night has been released on bail while police inquiries continue.
The man arrested after a fatal collision on Friday night has been released on bail while police inquiries continue.
A winner from South Holland has now claimed a £10,000-a-month National Lottery prize.
A veteran has supported an open letter to the makers of film Oppenheimer, calling for them to raise awareness of the danger posed by nuclear weapons.
A teenage boy was purportedly threatened at knifepoint by a group of men who demanded he hand over his trainers.
Utility firm bosses say that an issue with the water supply in Spalding won’t be fixed until Tuesday.
Homes and business in and around Spalding are suffering from issues with their water supply this evening.
A man in his 50s has died following a serious collision on a busy road last night.
Organisers of a popular car show have made a second change of venue – but assured visitors that the event will ‘100%’ go ahead.
A man has been arrested after a ‘serious collision’ on a busy main road last night – with police appealing for witnesses to come forward.
New ‘work pods’ have been installed as part a revamp of a business centre – which council chiefs say is now fit for the needs of small businesses.