Leaders have welcomed a £20 million fund that is being given to turn around the fortunes of ‘left behind’ Spalding.
Three people suffered serious injuries in a crash involving a van and two cars yesterday afternoon.
Three people suffered serious injuries in a crash involving a van and two cars yesterday afternoon.
Police are appealing for help to trace a man who failed to turn up to court when charged with a string of burglaries.
Police are appealing for help to trace a man who failed to turn up to court when charged with a string of burglaries.
Residents and businesses are now being asked for their views on how to spruce up three parts of Spalding town centre.
Major new plans for an industrial development on the outskirts of Spalding look set to get the green light this week.
A developer tried to get out of commitments on affordable housing and payments for a new roundabout – but now looks set to agree to a compromise deal.
The Prime Minister has revealed that Spalding is one of the ‘left behind towns’ that will get a new £20 million Government fund.
Police are appealing for help from residents to try to trace a missing man.
‘Transformational’ change will be needed to council services in order to weather the financial storm ahead, district leaders have warned.
Council bosses have unveiled an online tool to help residents find out about changes to their refuse collections.
Residents are reminded that a major project on a busy town roundabout begins today.
Police say a man who was reported missing has been found safe and well.
A grieving family is hoping to receive a campaigner’s long-awaited medal in time for his funeral – and hailed his spirit as a ‘fighter’.
Head of News Andrew Brookes offers his thoughts on nuclear test veteran Douglas Hern, who died recently aged 86.
A community leader says a 88-bed care home planned for a town grot spot site may be ‘too big’ for its location – as the proposals spark a big debate.
Major works to improve Spalding’s busy Springfields roundabout are set to begin in a matter of days – and could take a year to complete.
Bosses behind a controversial 24/7 ‘casino’ application have explained their stance on the plan.
Long-awaited plans to spruce up a blight on Spalding’s landscape have sparked a debate on the future of the prime site.