Rubber ducks are looking for sponsorship ahead of a charity race.
A long-serving volunteer is moving on from the place she describes as her ‘life’.
Historic almshouses could undergo a significant refurbishment to bring them up to scratch.
Plans for a new commercial building have been given the go ahead.
A grandfather with incurable cancer took on a cycling challenge to support the hospital where he is treated.
Pub landlords will bid farewell to their customers this weekend.
Villagers are hosting a garden fete to raise money for the local church.
An inland beach will be closed for two days because of predicted high winds.
A sports club has dropped plans to rebuild its clubhouse in favour of refurbishing the current building.
Students can apply for grants of up to £100 to buy books and course materials.
A children’s clothes shop will open this weekend.
Centenary celebrations allowed hospital staff the chance to showcase their role in the community.
A school could take over two empty bungalows to increase its teaching space.
Carers helped one of their residents to visit the anniversary celebrations of a club close to her heart.
A car park extension could bring 146 extra spaces to a town centre.
A fitness instructor has been given the go ahead to open a new gym.
McFlurries and Big Macs are back on the menu after a fast-food restaurant reopened.
Plans to build 72 new homes have been rejected.
People got creative with plant-based paints during a village arts weekend.
People are building links with a German community through a revived twinning programme.