Heavy rain led to flooding across the area.
An untidy notice could be slapped on two unfinished ‘eyesore’ developments.
A bus station shelter which had been damaged and vandalised has been fixed by a council.
The owners of a gift shop have been left devastated after their business was hit by flooding - but they are determined to rebuild.
Tributes have been paid to a charity trustee whose kindness has helped many people in a town.
A traditional market only cancelled by war, two national foot and mouth epidemics and the covid pandemic could face a new threat.
Two drivers were injured in a crash on a main road.
An author who dedicated decades of her life to writing children’s books is celebrating turning 100.
A singer who was inspired by her secondary school teachers caught the attention of Sir Tom Jones on a hit TV show.
A family left heartbroken after their grandad’s suicide is raising awareness for mental health.
A health and beauty shop has shut after 10 years in a town centre.
An obstruction on the road is causing heavy traffic on the A1.
A town pub has been named the best in the country.
Landlords are bidding a sad goodbye to a countryside pub as costs continue to spiral - despite serving a record number of customers this year.
The Met Office has warned of two more days of heavy rain.
A town building could be used as a day centre for adults, if new plans are approved.
A road between two villages is partially blocked after a crash.
A weather warning has been issued as thunderstorms are forecast.
A countryside cottage nestled in a sought-after village is on the market.
Queues are building on the A1 this afternoon.